An Outpouring of Subtleties Vol.1
An Outpouring of Subtleties Vol.1
An Outpouring of Subtleties Vol.1
An Outpouring of Subtleties Vol.1

An Outpouring of Subtleties Vol.1

Allie Khalfe
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An Outpouring of Subtleties
Upon the Pearl of Oneness

Volume 1: Divinity

By Allie Khalfe

Forewords by
Shaykh Hasan al-Shafiʿi
& Dr. Auwais Rafudeen

First Edition 2019
Sunni Publications, Rotterdam

Paperback, 352 pages, 395 grams
ISBN 978-90-79294-31-2

Table of Contents

In a time of competing worldviews, where reality has been obfuscated by obtuse philosophies and obscured by the façade of worldly allures, the need to revive higher theological truths is as urgent as ever. With An Outpouring of Subtleties upon the Pearl of Oneness, Shaykh Allie Khalfe lights the lamp that uncovers these precious truths, redirecting man’s vision from life’s mundane, outward forms, to its profound, inner meanings.

At the heart of this book lies the translation of Jawhara al-Tawhid, the timeless poem in creed written by Imam Ibrahim al-Laqani. This pearl is further enriched with the commentary of Imam Ibrahim al-Bajuri, Tuhfa al-Murid, followed by selections from the commentaries of Imam Ahmad al-Sawi and Imam ʿAbd al-Salam al-Laqani. Finally, it is completed with numerous insights from the pens of classical and contemporary scholars, as well as the author’s own beneficial notes.

In the first volume of this exhaustive work, the traditional theological topics of Divinity [ilahiyyat] are discussed in a detailed, yet easily accessible and clear fashion. These topics pertain to the existence of God, His attributes, and that which is necessary, possible, and impossible for Him, allowing one to arrive at the knowledge of God [maʿrifa].

Our son, Shaykh Allie Khalfe, is an intelligent student of knowledge who has reached a high station with a sound understanding of the original text and has expressed that within his translation.” —Shaykh Hasan al-Shafiʿi

This translation allows us to truly enter the rich, fascinating world of Islamic beliefs and theology, inhabited by scholars who were fearless in their convictions, precise in their arguments, deeply knowledgeable in a number of fields and, above all, had the ability to revive our faith.” —Dr. Auwais Rafudeen